Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Count of Monte Cristo1 essays
The Count of Monte Cristo1 essays Type of literary work: Adventure Drama The main point that Alexandre Dumas is presenting in this novel deals with judgement. Those who are good to others will be rewarded in the furture. Those who are sinfull will be punished. The action in this novel takes place in Marseilles, Paris, France in the 1800's. The era of the novel is set during the Napoleonic era. The ciites in which this novel takes place in are, Marseilles, Paris, and Rome. Most of the scenes are in the cities but others take place on the countryside, and Edmond Dantes was a young and handsome sailor. He had a lot of things that people would dream of. The two main people that were jealous of him were a man named Fernand Mondego and a man named Monsieur Danglars. Fernand was in love with Dantes' fiance Mercedes, while Danglars was jealous that Dantes was to receive the rank of Captain that he didn't have. These men (as well as two others named Gaspard Caderousse and Monsieur de Villefort) form a conspiracy and arrange for Dantes to be arrested and sent to a dreadfull prison named the Chateau d'If. After a couple years in the Chateau d'If he met Abbe Faria who became Dantes' intern father . Dantes met Abbe Faria through a secret passage way they both had builtt. Faria taught Dantes many things in there years together in prison. One of which was the secretly kept treasure of the Spada family. The two friends had planned an escape, but Faria dies before they can carry out there escape. Dantes once again becomes filled with grief and sadness, but he thinks up a plan. He thought only the dead leave the Chateau d'If, decides to replace Faria's corpse with himself. He places Faria in his own cell in bed facing the wall. He sews the shroud back once he is inside it. He is then thrown into the sea as all the corpses were of the Chateau d'If are. That is how Dantes made his great escape. Dantes is picked up by a ship of sm...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Liberal Arguments Against the Death Penalty
Liberal Arguments Against the Death Penalty The problem with the death penalty was on stark display last week in Arizona. No one disputes that Joseph R. Wood III committed a horrific crime when he killed his ex-girlfriend and her father in 1989. The problem is that Woods execution, 25 years after the crime, went horribly wrong as he gasped, choked, snored, and in other ways resisted the lethal injection that was supposed to kill him quickly but dragged on for nearly two hours. In an unprecedented move, Woods attorneys even appealed to a Supreme Court justice during the execution, hoping for a federal order that would mandate that the prison administer life-saving measures.Woods extended execution has many criticizing the protocol Arizona used to execute him, especially whether it is right or wrong to use untested drug cocktails in executions. His execution now joins those of Dennis McGuire in Ohio and Clayton D. Lockett in Oklahoma as questionable applications of the death penalty. In each of these cases, the condemned men appeared to experience prolonged suffering during their executions. A Brief History of the Death Penalty in America For liberals the larger issue is not how inhumane the method of execution is, but whether the death penalty itself is cruel and unusual. To liberals, the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is clear. It reads, Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. What is not clear, however, is what cruel and unusual means. Throughout history, Americans and, more specifically, the Supreme Court have gone back and forth on whether the death penalty is cruel. The Supreme Court effectively found the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972 when it ruled in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty was often too arbitrarily applied. Justice Potter Stewart said that the random way that states decided on the death penalty was comparable to the randomness of being struck by lightning. But the Court seemingly reversed itself in 1976, and state-sponsored executions resumed. What Liberals Believe To liberals, the death penalty is itself an affront to the principles of liberalism. These are the specific arguments liberals use against the death penalty, including a commitment to humanism and equality. Liberals agree that one of the fundamental underpinnings of a just society is the right to due process, and the death penalty compromises that. Too many factors, such as race, economic status, and access to adequate legal representation, prevent the judicial process from guaranteeing that each of the accused receives due process. Liberals agree with the American Civil Liberties Union, which states, The death penalty system in the U.S. is applied in an unfair and unjust manner against people, largely dependent on how much money they have, the skill of their attorneys, race of the victim and where the crime took place. People of color are far more likely to be executed than white people, especially if the victim is white.Liberals believe that death is both a cruel and unusual punishment. Unlike conservatives, who follow the biblical eye for an eye doctrine, liberals argue that the death penalty is merely state-sponsored murder that violates the human right to life. They agree with t he U.S. Catholic Conference that we cannot teach that killing is wrong by killing. Liberals argue that the death penalty does not reduce the prevalence of violent crimes. Again, according to the ACLU, The vast majority of law enforcement professionals surveyed agree that capital punishment does not deter violent crime; a survey of police chiefs nationwide found they rank the death penalty lowest among ways to reduce violent crime...The FBI has found the states with the death penalty have the highest murder rates. The recent death penalty executions have graphically illustrated all of these concerns. Heinous crimes must be met with firm punishment. Liberals do not question the need to punish those who commit such crimes, both in order to affirm that bad behavior has consequences but also to provide justice for victims of those crimes. Rather, liberals question whether the death penalty upholds American ideals or violates them. To most liberals, state-sponsored executions are an example of a state that has embraced barbarism rather than humanism.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Crippled by their Culture by Thomas Sowell Essay
Crippled by their Culture by Thomas Sowell - Essay Example The focus, or thesis, of the writer is that race cannot be used as a predictor or a descriptor for these forms of difference, as the difference is not prevalent when examining members of the same race who have been brought up under different environments, such as African-Americans and native Africans. The author proposes that instead, the culture that these people are brought up in provides a much stronger driver of their differences, and that this can be self-reinforcing. The author cites a variety of anecdotal examples to provide evidence to his point of view, producing an effective and well researched argument. The author starts the essay by listing some of the main differences that are acknowledged to exist between blacks and whites, although the list is not significantly developed. Instead, the author goes on to discuss how these differences have been presented and explained, both in earlier and in present times. Citing an example of recent research, the author goes on to explai n how these perspectives do not adequately explain all the differences that occur. The example the author was a study that looked at black Harvard alumni, and found that those from Africa or the West Indies, or were children of immigrants from either location, vastly outnumbered African-American blacks. The author goes on to suggest, that this difference and similar differences cannot adequately be explained by either racial differences or by racism. In the following paragraph, the author engages the audience asking them directly what possible explanations exists to explain â€Å"such large disparities †¦among these three groups of blacks?†Here he encourages the audience to consider his previous statements, and come to the conclusion that racism and race are not adequate descriptors of three groups that are very difficult to distinguish visually. The paragraphs that follow address the historical perspective, proposing that disparities within races have always existed, g oing back to differences between the â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢free persons of color’ in 1950†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"†¦those blacks whose ancestors were freed in the next decade†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Following this, the author suddenly changes focus, from considering the past and specific examples, to the present time and the differences between the North and the South of the United States. Furthermore, he goes from considering differences between blacks, to individually considering differences within the blacks and within the whites across the Northern and Southern United States. To support his argument, the author gives a number of statistical examples of differences, such as the time children spend in school and the number of schools. He then considers how these disparities are able to cause other disparities, citing illegitimacy rates and violence examples. The author then restates and reinforces his points that â€Å"none of these disparities can be attributed to either race or racism†, then suggests and subsequently debunks slavery as an alternative theory. He suggests that culture is the only explanation that is left. The second half of the essay takes on a different tone. Up till this point the author focused on cultural differences from a more theoretical perspective, citing a range of examples. In the second half of the essay he talks solely about one specific case, the differences between the North and the South, using the common derogatory term for Southerners, rednecks. The author refocuses his direction on the black population, by considering how the redneck culture was occupied by approximately one third of the white population of the United States, 90% of the black populat
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why did TV spread so fast around the world Essay
Why did TV spread so fast around the world - Essay Example This has seen the rise in demand of the television. Apart from major towns with good transmission signals, it has also made its mark in small towns and villages in Africa. All television is educative television; the question is its ability to educate (Todorovic pp.117). In recent years television has proved to have a great impact on the modern generation both positively and negatively. Curbing this, many television channels operators have come up with a viewer discretion options to give options of choices depending mostly on age. The reason behind this decision is that only modification of the television is the only lasting solution (Webb, pp.170). The fact that the license to air television can be accessed by a myriad of individuals, a massive global rise has been recorded. In many nations globally, individuals can own a television channel. This gives room for individual or organizations to venture business wise. The establishments of many channels play a major role in growing the television community. This is because every persons taste is represented. In addition to that, nations globally have given the freedom of ownership of televisions: one household can own more than one television set as long they can afford it. This makes television easily accessible. Statistics indicate that, more than 50% households globally own more than one set of television (Williams, pp.30). This promotes the growing culture of TVs. Another major reason behind the global widespread of the television is the development of lifestyle and business. In regard to lifestyle, this proves that the world is turning to an ignorant free society. TV is the new source of life skills, opportunities and services. An upgrade in lifestyle definitely needs the access of a television set. The urge of acquiring a modern lifestyle, and keeping in contact in the contemporary trends drives many people to acquire a set and this grows the culture even bigger. Business development
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Change over Time Mans Impact on the Environment Essay Example for Free
Change over Time Mans Impact on the Environment Essay Mankind had many impacts throughout history economically and socially. One significant impact that arose because of changing economic and social pleasures was the effect mankind had on the environment. Mankind’s impact on the environment changes from the Agricultural Revolution through the 19th century in that man destroys more of the environment as industrialization progresses. Industrialization of the environment started out small with One of the first changes is the improvement of roads throughout the lands. European businesses worked to facilitate manufacturing goods so new road designs were built and old ones were extended. The impact was that transportation of raw materials was made easier to get into the factories where they would be used to create products. This change occurred because the increased profits that would come from a faster production. Canals were also built in places where the land was able to be dug through to make a new body of water. The canals would make transportation of materials to other locations easier without having to unload cargo from ships to cross a land barrier. The impact was the ships could pass through land barriers thanks to the canals and transport their cargo in less time. This change occurred because of the need to transport important cargo from ships in less time. Another change to the environment was from the smoke that polluted the air that came from factories. Smoke would rise into the air funneled out from the factories that would produce fumes as byproducts from manufacturing. The impact it had on society was that people near factories or workers had to breathe in lesser quality air. This change occurred because of the manufacturing boom that led to the creation of factories and their large amounts of toxic byproducts. Chemicals also had a role in affecting the environment in their own way. Chemical byproducts from factories would be dumped into nearby bodies of water to serve as an easy way to dispose of waste. The impact was that water quality decreased in places where chemicals were dumped and dangerous in some cases. This change occurred because of the factories’ profit minded owners who were worried about money rather than how dumping would affect water. The farming of coffee and cotton plants for monetary gain eroded the soil. Farmers would constantly plant these crops in patches of farmland to quickly grow the crops for money without giving the land time to recover which would slowly erode the soil. The impact was that in many cases some farmland was made infertile for many years before things could be grown again. This change occurred because of the high demand for both coffee and cotton. The beginning of the construction of the Panama Canal in 1903 saw an enormous effort to move giant quantities of Earth. Thousands of workers worked to dig their way through the earth to cut a can through to one side of Panama to the other in order to allow ships to pass through without having to circle around South America to reach east coast North America. This change occurred because the time that would be saved from being able to cut through directly from the Pacific to the Atlantic. A continuity that remained with the environment was farming the land in many places. People would always need to farm to grow food and different types of crops. Mankind would work the land and plant seeds to grow the ingredients for foods that are needed for survival. This continuity remained because people need food and food starts with ingredients from grown crops. Through the process of industrialization mankind has made much progress but at the expense of the environment. The environment is more of an obstacle that needs to be moved in order to continue the progression of mankind. Mankind’s impact on the environment changes from the Agricultural Revolution through the 19th century in that man destroys more of the environment as industrialization progresses.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Pressure Relief Valves :: essays research papers
PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES Chemical Engineering Lab I Question: Discuss the importance of Relief Valves in the unit operations in detail, and give the design criteria/ parameters/ models available equations in the literature. Support your work by giving a typical example from the literature. INTRODUCTION Since the inception of pressurized systems to produce and transmit energy, it has been a constant goal to find safe, dependable means of relieving pressure. The simple, inexpensive, spring loaded relief valves has been manufactured for over a hundred and fifty years, performing its job with varying degrees of reliability over that time period. Â Â Â Â Â In the Unites States alone, boiler explosions caused a significant loss of life reaching a peak with 400 such explosions in 1904. With the adoption of the ASME Pressure and Vessel Code in 1911, boiler explosions declined to where, after 1973 they are non-existent. Over the same period, operating pressures for most systems were increased, in the case of boiler pressures increases were from 200 to 3000 psi and above. Pressure relief valves are used to safely contain pressurized gases and liquids. Throughout the years there has been an increased demand for safety in industrial and other related operating practices. These valves are one of the many devices that have been created in conjunction with standardized design and operating practices, for the provision of this very protection. In the past, vessels that now would obviously require relief valves were heated often resulting in drastic increase in pressure within the vessel. This resulted in an extremely dangerous outcome physically for all the parties involved. Pressure valves may be classified into two main categories namely reclosing and non-reclosing. Reclosing devices are the more common of these two groups. They are designed in such a manner that they reclose securely once safe pressure levels have been restored. The second type, the non-reclosing pressure valve, does not reclose nor vent all the fluid built up, for example fusible plugs. Â Â Â Â Â Pressure relief valves are relatively simple pieces of equipment. The operation of these devices involves a spring-loaded disk resting on a seat. When the pressure is low the force on the disk is less than the spring force on the disk and the valve remains closed. The pressure force increases causing a drop in the force that seals the disk on the seat. Once the valve is raised a larger disk area is available for the fluid to flow through providing a lifting force which is directly correlated.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cialis Insead Swot
Case-Study Cialis. This report will be aimed at a SWOT analysis of a new product to treat erectile dysfunction, Cialis, produced by the joint venture Lilly ICOS. Strength : Cialis is more efficient than other products already sold on the market and has less constraints Weaknesses * Lilly ICOS has very low financial funds compared to Pfizer. * The time needed to introduce a new drug on the market is high because it has to be tested to be sure it’s not dangerous. The time needed to convince doctors to switch and suggest a new drug for the same health problem * ICOS has no experience in launching new drug product Opportunities * People who have already tried Viagra and are dissatisfied with it are an easy target. Indeed, these people already talked about the problem to a doctor in the past and these people are still looking for a solution. This dissatisfaction can be due to the fact the product is not working, or for some inconvenience issues, eg. onsumers cannot eat too fat othe rwise Viagra has lower effect. Cialis does not have these constraints. * Viagra is not used a lot by European. The market would thus be easier to penetrate. Threats * The main product used to treat ED is Viagra, produced by Pfizer, has been dominating the market for years and is already known worldwide by consumers. * To penetrate the market, Cialis has to convince two targets: the chosen consumer group but also the doctors who prescribe the drug. There are issues concerning the culture of the target. Depending the country, the consumers are less keen to talk about erectile dysfunction to their doctor. Suggestions To penetrate the market with Cialis, Lilly ICOS should definitely not attack Viagra by the front because the group is too well known and has to higher financial ressources. Another strategy would be to bypass and attack a niche but the benefits would be lowered The best strategy according to me would be to attack Viagra by flank. Cialis has to attack the weaknesses of Viagra looking why it losts consumers. * We have to focus on geographical regions where Viagra is not well implemented. In this case, Cialis would better introduce its product in Europe than trying to do it in US. * Then, Cialis has to convince both targets : the consumers and the prescriptors. * According to the country, the prescriptors are not the same : while in US, France and UK it is mainly the family doctor, in Germany, Italy and Spain, people consult a specialist. According to the country, Lilly ICOS should convince the  «Ã‚ most consulted » physicians to propose patients who are dissatisfied with Viagra to use Cialis instead. * The consumers are a second barrier. They could be reached with advertising with a less  «Ã‚ dramatic  » environnement. ED problems have to be considered as common and normal as headache in order to make it easier for them to talk about it to their doctor. These advertising would made play some actors between 50 and 60 because the ED affect people aged in this area.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Swot Analysis for Usaa
Management 303 SWOT Analysis on USAA Savings Bank Section I- Organizational History USAA Savings Bank has been around for a long time believe it or not. In 1922 USAA was originally founded in San Antonio, Texas when 25 Army officers decided to come together and insure each other’s automobiles. William Garrison was USAA’s first elected president. Shortly after that USAA’s first employee was Harold Dunton, who was hired as a general manager. Major Walter Moore purchased the first automobile insurance policy for $114. 4 and became USAA’s first member. Two years later in 1924 USAA printed their first credo. The company motto was â€Å"Service to the Services. †1928 was the year that USAA started advertising 8,000 active component service members among 38,000 possible. In 1929 things started turning for the worse, as the stock market crashed and the Great Depression followed shortly after. By the end of the 1920’s USAA earned a net profit of $144 ,000 before dividends. From 1930’s on up USAA has been incredibly successful. 931-1940 USAA’s employee population grows even through the Great Depression. Employee numbers sky rocketed and doubled, from 46 to 99. The company’s membership doubles from 15,000 to 30,000, despite the ongoing tough economic times. 1932 the first Annual Report to its members was established and published. A year later USAA exceeds minimum reserve holdings mandated by the Texas Board of Insurance Commissioners and returns $230,000 to members. In 1934 Stuart Gwyn is the first woman to join USAA’s management team. USAA graduated to having 60% of all eligible U.S. military officers become members in 1936 while also being able to end the decade with a net profit of $643,000 before dividends. Section II- Strengths and Weaknesses Some of USAA’s many strengths come in numbers. USAA ranks 62nd in net worth among Fortune 500 companies and 144th for revenue, the company has proven to be a very financially strong organization. Our net worth owned and managed assets, revenue, net income and membership all increased and continues to grow. In addition, member satisfaction and customer service remains consistently high.USAA produced colossal numbers as far as Net worth goes. From 2008 earning $14. 6 billion in net worth to $17. 0 in 2009, $18. 7 in 2010, $20. 0 billion and so far over $21. 3 billion. These numbers only keep getting better. Some of USAA’s highlights as of June 30, 2012 in totals: 9. 1 million in Total members, the company now offers a total of 38 million products, and a total of 23. 7 thousand employees. Classifications go as follows 28th largest bank, 5th largest homeowners insurance, 8th largest credit card provider, and 6th largest auto insurer.USAA’s property and casualty insurance group received high ratings for financial strength from three of the major agencies-A. M. Best, Moody’s and standard & Poor’s. A. M. Best Company gave USAA an A++ (superior, highest of 16 possible ratings). Moody’s Investors Service gave USAA an Aaa (Exceptional, highest of 21 possible ratings). Standard & Poor’s gave USAA an AA+ (Very strong, second highest of 21 possible ratings). Ward’s 50 Placed USAA’s P&C Insurance Group on the Ward’s 50 list, which is a benchmarking group of top-performing insurance companies, for 22 consecutive years. 2012). IDC Financial Publishing Inc. gave USAA 111 consecutive Superior ratings as of 2012’s 1st quarter for USAA Federal Savings Bank. Thomson Reuters Bank Insight (formerly Highline Banking Data Services) rated USAA in the Top 15% of peer group as of 1st quarter 2012. These are all considered strengths for USAA because they are all astonishing milestones for the USAA Federal Savings Bank. It has helped catapult the company to where it is today. Everybody that has USAA loves it bottom line.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pros of Video Games Essay Example
Pros of Video Games Essay Example Pros of Video Games Essay Pros of Video Games Essay Playing Video games is a fun and people have several astonishing memories involve them. Playing the video games does not mean anything inherent provided one scheme his or her schedules well. Many use them a way of escapism, that is, a system of passing the time if one has nothing better on which to focus. Frank Manjoo, in his article, notes Tom Bissells question on whether playing video games is a fun or addiction.; This paper argues against the opinions that the video contributes a to a massive time wastage by considering Frank Manjoo;s work. Red dead redemption description Red Dead Redemption (RDR) is a very popular video game which has a minimum or no adverse impact on ones social life or any other significant piece of work. One needs to break at least at some point during his or her daily duties. The game provides such a perfect moment whereby one enjoys an absorbing fun hence it is a more of refreshment. Entertainment, which the game provides to an individual, is part of life according to the theory of enjoyment. It is, therefore, advisable for one to play the game as frequent as possible to at least meet the demands of life. One should therefore not have a feeling of guilt when spending considerable hours of the day playing the game if it has such a critical contribution to the continuity of ones life. Based on entertainment alone, this type occurs at a personal level whereby one can adjust the level at which he or she needs to enjoy it. Somebody playing, the video games, for instance, Tom Bissell, in our case, will choose the best game which would best entertain him. RDR, among the other popular games, are not associated with instilling emotion to their players. The writer of the article, Frank Manjoo, refers to his personal experience where RDR or any other game has never moved him emotionally as had been happening to him in the case of his best movies, music, and the TV shows. Frank Manjoo refers to Tom Bissell supports the issue of playing video games and notes no bad experience in it the exercise. He, however, notes that the problem that emerges only lies within a feeling of a kind of embarrassment and guilt. This outlines the potential point at which playing video games may be hazardous. Therefore, the act itself is okay, but the mentality and perception are the greatest determiners of the influence on one. Benefits of video games One can involve in playing the video games and the other professional activities proceeds. It is not so habitual that one may ignore his source of income. Tom Bissel is a middle-aged man who is the serious gamer and as well proceeds with his work of journalism. He praises the extent to which he enjoys the game and helps him manage time. He is however torn within doubts on whether to consider playing video games a wastage of time or a proper way of utilizing time. Frank Manjoo who investigates and demonstrates the argument and behavior of the victim, Bissels holds that it is an important means of spending time. He considers Bissels culture to be okay, on which note he argues that it does not waste time but rather helps manage time. The fact that playing games can happen concurrently with other relevant occupational activities it is, therefore, such an important exercise. Franks article does not reach any point on this note, where Bisell complains of playing games depriving him the val uable time for taking part in big deals. Bissell notices a kind of game involving an excellent gameplay and is humorous in its storyline. He acknowledges that those who praise such games would have been accurate analysts. Bissell, however, wonders what the other type of games which do not instill humor in the users would impact on them. He, therefore, wonders if people should abandon such games. , Frank Manjoo;s writing is intervention to Bisell;s doubts by assuring the players and any other prospective player that playing video games has nothing to do with depriving one, happiness but rather depends on ones perceptions. Games have the ability to enable the player to feel happy due to the humorous aspects. Video games however, at times may also appear to waste time to the player. However much enjoyable and exciting playing the video games may be, one spends a considerable period concentrating on it. There exist chronic players of the games like Tom Bissell who is a victim of Red Dead Redemption addiction. He expresses that he spends a long number of hours focusing on the game can best be translated into some form of idleness where one fails to utilize time which is an important resource in the right way. This aspect and effect of video games there deem them possible ways of massive wastage of time. It is, therefore, disadvantageous on this note.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Characteristics of Aquatic Life
Characteristics of Aquatic Life There are thousands of species of marine life, from tiny zooplankton to enormous whales. Each is adapted to its specific habitat. Throughout the oceans, marine organisms must deal with several problem we avoid on land: Regulating salt intakeObtaining oxygenAdapting to water pressureDealing with wind, waves, and changing temperaturesGetting enough light There are many ways marine life survive in this environment that is so different from ours. Salt Regulation Fish can drink salt water, and eliminate the salt through their gills. Seabirds also drink salt water, and the excess salt is eliminated via the nasal, or â€Å"salt glands†into the nasal cavity, and then is shaken, or sneezed out by the bird. Whales don’t drink salt water, instead, they get the water they need from the organisms they eat. Oxygen Fish and other organisms that live underwater can take their oxygen from the water, either through their gills or their skin. Marine mammals need to come to the water surface to breathe, which is why the deep-diving whales have blowholes on top of their heads, so they can surface to breathe while keeping most of their body underwater. Whales can stay underwater without breathing for an hour or more because they make very efficient use of their lungs, exchanging up to 90% of their lung volume with each breath, and also store unusually high amounts of oxygen in their blood and muscles when diving. Temperature Many ocean animals are cold-blooded (ectothermic) and their internal body temperature is the same as their surrounding environment. Marine mammals, however, have special considerations because they are warm-blooded (endothermic), meaning they need to keep their internal body temperature constant no matter the water temperature. Marine mammals have an insulating layer of blubber (made up of fat and connective tissue) under their skin. This blubber layer allows them to keep their internal body temperature about the same as ours, even in the cold ocean. The bowhead whale, an arctic species, has a blubber layer that is 2-feet-thick. Water Pressure In the oceans, water pressure increases 15 pounds per square inch for every 33 feet of water. While some ocean animals do not change water depths very often, far-ranging animals such as whales, sea turtles, and seals sometimes travel from shallow waters to great depths several times in a single day. How can they do it? The sperm whale is thought to be able to dive more than 1 1/2 miles below the ocean surface. One adaptation is that lungs and rib cages collapse when diving to deep depths. The leatherback sea turtle can dive to over 3,000 feet. Its collapsible lungs and flexible shell help it stand the high water pressure. Wind and Waves Animals in the intertidal zone do not have to deal with high water pressure but need to withstand the high pressure of wind and waves. Many marine invertebrates and plants in this habitat have the ability to cling onto rocks or other substrates so they are not washed away and have hard shells for protection. While large pelagic species like whales and sharks may not be impacted by rough seas, their prey can be moved around. For example, right whales prey on copepods, which can get spread to different areas during a time of high wind and waves. Light Organisms that need light, such as tropical coral reefs and their associated algae, are found in shallow, clear waters that can be easily penetrated by sunlight. Since underwater visibility and light levels can change, whales do not rely on sight to find their food. Instead, they locate prey using echolocation and their hearing. In the depths of the ocean abyss, some fish have lost their eyes or pigmentation because they are just not necessary. Other organisms are bioluminescent, using light-giving bacteria or their own light-producing organs to attract prey or mates.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Writrer choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writrer choice - Essay Example The notion that only African, as opposed to other races, were only fit to serve as slaves was an invention of whites who were in need of a working class.2 The working class, however, had to be legitimized; the legitimacy was that Africans could not fit elsewhere, but in the institution of slavery. More specifically, this paper compares the works of David walker’s appeal to the colored citizens of the world and Leslie Harris’s in the shadow of slavery. It will be argued that class was fundamental in institutionalization of the racial slavery, and the race solidarity in New York in the seventieth century. David Walker is a male abolitionist of an African- American origin. Further, the outspoken abolitionist was born to a slave father, but the mother was a free black mother.3 However, owing to the status of his mother, David Walker enjoyed that status of being a free black person. The author used his position as a free person to speak against the evils of slavery. In this work, appeal to the colored citizens of the world, the author writes against the evils of slavery in a bid to draw the attention of African American to a need for abolition of this practice. The first goal of his writing is to encourage the solidarity of African living under slavery. Walkers’ position as a free African during a period when slavery is ubiquitous in New York is likely to be instrumental in luring slaves into seeking a free African status. Whites during this era of slavery in New York have established a social class, and justified their actions as far has holding slaves is concern. In essence, the white slave owners believe that Africans are inferior, and do not belong to the social class of whites.4 To illustrate this, the author writes, â€Å"Has Mr. [Thomas] Jefferson declared to the world, that we are inferior to the whites, both in the endowments of
Friday, November 1, 2019
My Leadership Action Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
My Leadership Action Plan - Essay Example Do you love the work you do? Are you driven by your purpose? Is there a connection to your top priorities and your leadership approaches? Do you enjoy your time in helping others be successful? What is your legacy to the world? My main purpose as a Leader: (Bungay, 2011). My leadership purpose is also to fill particular needs. My areas to strengthen and grow:I need to stop needing to be loved or liked by my followers (Bungay, 2011). I also need to improve in my stagnancy and always remain focused on my goals. As a leader, I need to avoid excessive connectivity with my followers especially when it comes to mobile devices and other modes of communication (Bradt, Check, & Pedraza, 2011). I also need to try as much as I can to trust my employees with the responsibilities that I give them. I need to learn ways through which I can overcome my personal constraints. I also need to learn how to accomplish my goals after coming up with visions. I need to develop specific conflict resolution sk ills (Bungay, 2011).
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